Discussions for J970

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Week 9 reading note-Yong Jun

I think that Monge and Contractor’s coevolution theory and Capra’s ecophilosophical approach have something common with the efforts to understand complexity in the world, which has been emerging all over human and natural environments. Human actions and interactions are no longer understood merely based on their attributes. They are connected not in a linear fashion but in complex networks. In addition, natural phenomena also occur in the form of complex networks of relationships. Moreover, both human and nature are deeply connected and influence each other. Therefore, I think that the ideas of coevoluation and ecosophy have a tremendous potential to rethink our life and the world as a whole in a critical and reflexive way. If we can accept this epistemology, or worldview, we can reach the agreement of idealistic cosmopolitan way of life. Then, a possible project could ponder on the way how we create the networks among the world populations for coevolutionistic coexistence.


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